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Awake Space Astrology
with Laurie Rivers
The Pluto Return of 2022: The Real Story
The astrology 2022 is quite volatile especially to the United States political establishment. Find out what the Pluto Return means
Mercury In Aries: A Time For Strategic Plans
As many in the world prepare to celebrate Easter, the planet Mercury makes it's ingress into Aries. April 3 at 11:30 am Pacific Time,...
The Moon & You: Living by Luna
From the time humans began looking up at the sky, the most notable object besides the Sun, was the Moon. It is the Moon our ancestors...
Time to Create Your VIsion: New Moon in Pisces
Mark your calendars for two very special days, March 12th and 13th. On March 12th the Moon is kissing Venus making it the perfect day to...
Magical Times: Virgo Full Moon
February 27th brings the Full Moon in Virgo and with her come blessings in abundance. Full Moons are always a time of release, often ...
Astrology 101: The Story of The Houses
The Houses in a Natal Chart tell a remarkable story, and in your own chart it tells your story. Your astrology chart is the 2D snapshot...
Celebrate The Great Conjunction: Astro Party
On December 21st, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct at 0 degrees Aquarius. This marks the beginning of multiple new astrological...
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