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Awake Space Astrology
with Laurie Rivers

The Pluto Return of 2022: The Real Story
The astrology 2022 is quite volatile especially to the United States political establishment. Find out what the Pluto Return means

Saturn Retrograde: What You Need To Know
Get ready for another sharp turn and dive in the great rollercoaster year of 2021. Oh sure, we have Mercury retrograde at the end of the...

Mercury Retrograde: It's Not All Bad News
Here we go again, Mercury Retrograde is right around the corner. It doesn't need to be a time of frustration and mayhem, if you know how...

Mercury In Aries: A Time For Strategic Plans
As many in the world prepare to celebrate Easter, the planet Mercury makes it's ingress into Aries. April 3 at 11:30 am Pacific Time,...

Busting Through Crystal Walls: Saturn Square Uranus
February will see historic change occur around the globe (not just in the USA). 2020 was the great detonation at the base of outmoded...

Mercury Retrograde: Jan 30-Feb 21
Mercury retrograde happens three times a year, the first round starts on January 30, 2021. Contrary to the internet memes and even the...

The Cauldron Boils Over: November 2020
I'm not going to predict a winner for the US Presidential election, not because I don't think I know who will win, but because I think...

Mars in Aries 2020: Great Balls of Fire
If you thought 2020 was crazy, just hang on... there’s more. Find out what Mars in Aries brings to the table.

Truth, Justice, & Systems Failure: Jupiter & Pluto Conjunct
Warring rhetoric, checking beliefs, Jupiter Rx explained.

Astrological Cheat Sheet: The Planets
Reading your birth chart can be fascinating and frustrating when you first start learning astrology. Here's a simple cheat sheet to help...
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