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Awake Space Astrology
with Laurie Rivers
Radical Shift: Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 10th
Eclipses always represent change, it's why the ancients weren't too thrilled to see them on the horizon. It usually meant something big...
8th House Astrology: Soul Deep
I like to call Popular Astrology, astrology's also dangerous. Popular astrology cuts corners, gives out wrong information, and...
The Moon & You: Living by Luna
From the time humans began looking up at the sky, the most notable object besides the Sun, was the Moon. It is the Moon our ancestors...
Astrology 101: The Story of The Houses
The Houses in a Natal Chart tell a remarkable story, and in your own chart it tells your story. Your astrology chart is the 2D snapshot...
Mercury Retrograde: Jan 30-Feb 21
Mercury retrograde happens three times a year, the first round starts on January 30, 2021. Contrary to the internet memes and even the...
One Thing Is Certain: Change
Well, it's off to the races with 2021. My apologies for not getting posts up on Woke Astrology - I have been posting on TikTok and my...
Celebrate The Great Conjunction: Astro Party
On December 21st, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct at 0 degrees Aquarius. This marks the beginning of multiple new astrological...
The Cauldron Boils Over: November 2020
I'm not going to predict a winner for the US Presidential election, not because I don't think I know who will win, but because I think...
Cauldron Brewing: Retrogrades, Eclipses & Mars hitting Aries
June 2020 packs a massive punch with 2 eclipses, Venus direct, Mercury retrograde and Mars in Aries.
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